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NodeJS MongoDB Express Beginner to Intermediate JavaScript
Resources & Intro (6:20)
Introduction to Installing and Set up of Node
Introduction (1:33)
What is Node Setup Dev Environment (11:28)
Visual Studio Code Terminal (5:17)
Create a Node file and Run it (4:20)
What is Node and how it Works (9:58)
Node JS resources (10:21)
Working with Node JS (6:03)
Node JS REPL (5:02)
Common Node Examples (15:33)
Node Process Object (9:22)
Use Node Packages NodeMon (7:41)
Command Line and Console (9:27)
JavaScript Fundamentals quick review of JavaScript Coding
Introduction (1:28)
Variables and Comments (10:51)
JavaScript Variables and Data Types (6:52)
Array Objects Data Types (6:07)
Introduction to JavaScript Functions (13:42)
JavaScript Functions Advanced Features (8:31)
Modern Function Examples (9:04)
JavaScript Closure Example (6:44)
JavaScript Operators (9:20)
JavaScript Operator Example (7:41)
Conditions Truthy and Falsey (9:56)
Ternary Operator (8:34)
JavaScript Switch Statement (5:22)
JavaScript Loops (6:52)
JavaScript Objects (14:10)
JavaScript Object Methods (6:26)
JavaScript Array Introduction (8:57)
JavaScript Update Array (9:53)
JavaScript Delete and Add to an Array (7:35)
Common JavaScript Array Methods (7:56)
More Javascript Array Methods (3:44)
Array Methods - Update Array (3:21)
JavaScript Empty Array Map Method (5:09)
Array Iteration and Object Values (9:50)
JavaScript Template Literals (5:54)
JavaScript Math Method (6:49)
JavaScript Date Method (8:27)
JavaScript Asynchronous Callback Examples (10:45)
JavaScript Node Timers Global (11:08)
JavaScript Promises (9:18)
JavaScript Try and Catch Debugging (6:29)
JavaScript Async and Await (10:06)
JavaScript Asynchronous Programming
Introduction (1:27)
Callbacks Stack and Queue (10:49)
Stack and Queue Examples (9:06)
Callback example in Javascript (5:28)
Calls Event Loops Job Function (9:59)
Event Loop Example Recursive Function (5:26)
Job Queue Event Loop Function Execution (12:09)
Call Stack Output Order Examples (5:52)
JavaScript Promises (7:22)
Node Process Object Terminal Input/Output (7:59)
Node Event EventEmitter (8:09)
Setup Node Events (9:08)
Node Modules NPM
Node Modules (3:49)
Node Module Types (11:43)
Local Node Modules (11:38)
Local Node Modules Export Class (7:15)
Core Modules http web Server Setup (15:27)
Make a Folder File System (10:02)
Node FileSystem Examples (9:09)
Update the contents of a file (5:32)
Delete files using the file system (4:34)
Rename files using Node (5:47)
File System Stats (12:49)
Reading File FS module (6:59)
File and Folder Paths (4:42)
Node Package Package.json Fetch (16:05)
Node Package Manager Module (14:42)
Node Buffers (5:20)
Errors Thrown- Try and Catch (4:31)
Node Web Application with Express
Introduction (1:58)
Express Setup (9:24)
Serving Files with Express Framework (8:48)
Express Routing (11:00)
Multiple Callback Functions (3:58)
Express Route Handler GET (9:15)
Express Route POST (5:58)
Express Route Update Delete (12:07)
JSON Data POST Values (14:02)
Output JSON URL Params (6:53)
MiddleWare POST with bodyParser (6:03)
Express route Router (6:48)
Express application generator (4:49)
MongoDB with Frontend web page interaction using Node and Express
Introduction (2:03)
Setup Get Started with MongoDB (11:28)
Create MongoDB in the Cloud (5:04)
Connect and Create MongoDB (7:24)
Create collection of Data (6:20)
WebPage App to Database Setup (13:41)
WebPage AJAX to Endpoint (6:46)
AJAX Post setup to Database (4:47)
AJAX get Mongo Data (13:30)
Dynamic Page Elements AJAX (4:10)
Find matches from MongoDB Get (8:11)
Update MongoDB Data (12:15)
Delete remove data from MongoDB with AJAX (9:15)
More with MongoDB documents and Coding (8:14)
What is Node and how it Works
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